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Off The Track

Transport Subsidy

TRNT Off The Track would like to announce that a float subsidy is now being offered for horses that are being rehomed outside of Northern Territory. We understand that not all horses are able to be re-homed here in the Territory and the need for them to travel to cooler climate is necessary for their welfare.

Float Subsidy Terms and conditions

  1. The Transport Subsidy is to be used for the purpose of rehoming a retired racehorse interstate or within the Territory.
  2. The racehorse must be located in the Northern Territory at the time the Transport Subsidy is applied for.
  3. The racehorse must be in the care of an TRNT licensed trainer at the time the Transport Subsidy is applied for.
  4. To be eligible for the Transport Subsidy the trainer MUST contact TRNT Off The Track PRIOR to the horse being transported (this can be achieved by either by completing the Transport Subsidy Application form or contacting 08 8944 7500).
  5. Should TRNT Off The Track not be contacted prior to transport the subsidy will NOT be paid.
  6. The racehorse must be transported to a recognised retrainer, re-homer or approved home only. The horse must not be transported for the purpose of breeding or racing. The ‘Approved home’ is approved at the discretion of TRNT Off The Track. A background check will be conducted prior to the horses transportation. Should the horse be transported prior to the background check and confirmation of approval has not been provided, the transport subsidy will not be paid.
  7. The horse must be transported with a registered float company ONLY (Darwin Horse Floats or Dippy's Horse Transport).
  8. An invoice will be raised by the float company to the amount of $700 (including GST), the subsidy amount will be directly invoiced to TRNT Off The Track. The remaining amount will be paid by the current registered racehorse owners or trainer.
  9. The Racehorse must be retired within Racing Australia at the time of transport.
  10. Only industry participants may apply for the Transport Subsidy from TRNT Off The Track (Trainers or managing owners).