Visiting Licenses & Track Information
Visiting Trainers
There are certain rules, regulations and policies which very between States and Territories.
Below is a list of some of the requirements you are required to comply with as a visiting Trainer in the Northern Territory.
Visiting Trainers Permit
All trainers who are licensed interstate are required to complete an application for a TRNT visitng Trainers permit. This paperwork must be completed before your arrival in the NT. Horses will not be permitted to work on any registered track in the Northern Territory until this paperwork has been completed. As part of the visiting trainers permit you are required to contribute towards the NT Workers Compensation Fund ($200 per month) it is also compulsory for all visiting trainers to have public liability insurance. As a trainer, it is your responsibility to ensure that any licensed staff you bring from interstate also take out an NT visiting licence (no fee)
Interstate stable employees / Trackriders
All stable employees. Trackriders, who are licensed by an interstate PRA, are required to have an NT visiting licence. No fee is applicable in this instance and the person may carry out limited work for trainers other than the one they have been licenced to.
Permission to ride track work
Any person wishing to ride track work in the NT must provide a National Medical Certificate. If you have completed a Nation Medical Certificate in your home state, a clearance to that affect must be provided to the Stewards prior to riding track work. If a National Medical Certificate has not been completed, you will be required to book an appointment with an NT Approved Medical Officer and obtain one prior to riding track work in the NT. The contact details for the NT AMO’s are:-
Sonic Health Plus Mall Medical Centre
22 Smith St 1/73 Hartley St
Darwin Alice Springs
08 8981 4233 08 8953 0805
Track Regulations
The Darwin Turf Club has amended track regulations which first came into effect in 2014. It is a requirement for all visiting trainers, jockeys, apprentice jockeys and track riders to read and fully understand the regulations prior to using the training facilities. Any visiting licensee, who has not previously signed a track regulation acknowledgement form, must do so and lodge with the track supervisor or Stewards.
Visiting trainers are allocated stables and a separate lockable feed room by the Darwin Turf Club and Alice Springs Turf Club. Please ensure that you book stabling in advance with the Darwin Turf Club or Alice Springs Turf Club by contacting
Ben Whitlock Tony McGovern
(Darwin) (Alice Springs)
08 8923 4222 08 8952 4977
0498 524 929
Spaces are limited and exact numbers of horses you are intending to bring will assist with the allocation of stables.
The NT uses the rating system and has a comprehensive list of Business Rules relating to ratings races which are published in the NT Racing Calendar (Trackside). It is highly recommended you read it carefully and ask any questions if you do not fully understand.
The Trackside is the official program for the NT and all entry, acceptance and rider declaration times are advised in the publication. Copies are available online or from the TRNT offices.
Non race day trials
Trials are routinely conducted on Tuesday mornings, and commence as soon as practicable after the track closes. The running of trials is dependent upon sufficient entries, which close on the preceding Monday morning at 11.00am. All licensees with permission to ride fast work are eligible to ride in these barrier trials and must wear colours. Horses engaged to compete must be presented to the race day stalls prior to the trial in sufficient time to commence without delay and must return to the race day stalls following the trial. Race Clubs do not provide barrier staff to be present at the barriers to load horses into the gates. These staff must wear closed in footwear and an approved helmet and vest.
Race day
All horses are required to be in the race day stalls at least 1 hour prior to their race unless otherwise advised by the stewards. All winners are swabbed and it is each trainer’s responsibility to present their horse to the swabbing box in a timely manner.
Barrier blankets
Trainers who wish to use a barrier blanket on race day can apply in the normal manner but must provide a suitable barrier blanket themselves.
Gear change applications
All applications for the addition or removal or approved gear on any horse in the NT must be made prior to acceptance time. Any applications made on the morning of the day set down for acceptances must also be notified to the TRNT Stewards.