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Media Release

Posted by TRNT

Date posted:


Friday, 18 October, 2019

 In response to ABC 7.30 Report, Thursday 17 October

THE Board and Management of Thoroughbred Racing Northern Territory (TRNT) is appalled at the horrific vision of the inhumane treatment of horses that was televised on ABC 7.30 Report last night (Thursday).

Abattoirs and knackeries, by virtue of their very existence, are State and Territory Government-regulated and it is to be expected that animal welfare standards are strictly adhered to at all times.

The practices and cruelty on show in the ABC 7.30 Report were abhorrent, and it is clearly evident that there have been serious breaches of welfare laws. The perpetrators responsible for the type of animal mistreatment witnessed last night must be held to account.

Equine welfare is at the forefront of racing administrators’ minds throughout Australia, and the NT is no exception, and a great deal of work has already been undertaken to achieve the goal of ensuring a home for every thoroughbred that exits the racing industry.

However, despite the best efforts of many, the actions of a few have sadly raised further questions as to the processes that currently exist.

While a thoroughbred is in training/racing, strict Australian Rules of Racing are enforceable to ensure that said horse is fully protected, but the gap between retirement and what happens thereafter is the challenge facing the industry.

That is why Racing Australia and all Principal Racing Authorities are fully supportive of a National Horse Traceability Register. RA and the PRAs made their stance known earlier this year, and the matter is currently being considered by a Senate committee.

The introduction of this National Horse Register is imperative – it will allow federal and state/territory authorities access to ownership and location information and help improve equine welfare outcomes throughout Australia. It cannot come soon enough.

For further information please call:

Andrew O’Toole

Chief Executive - TRNT

ph: (08) 8944 7500  

mob: 0429 092 261

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